Growth hormone is in charge of people’s bones and tissues growth, which basically means increase of a body in length and consequent general increase of inner organs. Somatotropin (how it is also called) has several phases of growth during the day. Mainly, it happens during the night sleep, eating, and when doing any physical activity. But some people really wonder: does exercise increase growth hormone, and if yes, then what are these particular exercises that increase growth hormone?
Best exercises to increase growth hormone: power load & aerobic
It should be noted that physical activity really stimulates growth hormone release. Basically, any motor activity, starting from walking and finishing with weight-lifting positively influences on a somatotropin release. Yet, there exist some types of activities, which are considered to be more effective compared to others.
As we all know, there are 2 main types of exercises in sport: power load (weight lifting within a short period of time) and aerobic (running, walking, jogging, skiing, etc). Their “wise” and right combination is a “sweet spot” for somatotropin increase. So, here are the most useful exercises to increase growth hormone production:
- walking at speed of 4-6 kilometers per hour or sprint running (depending on a level of preparation). Spring running is one of the best exercises that increase testosterone and growth hormone. One can start with 50-100 meters sprint running on a football field or any other place. Overall, there should be 8-10 races with 60 seconds break among each. In such a way, a good training doesn’t take longer than 20 minutes. In case, if you wish to start with walking, then it would be ideal to do it every day on a fresh air for minimum 30-50 minutes;
exercises with weights with a number of frequency – from 10 to 15 with short breaks as well. Additionally to that speaking about exercises with weights – here one should pick a weight that would be perfect for a plan (10-15 repeats). At the same time, it should be maximum, yet not more than advised by specialists to avoid any potential traumas or injuries.
After each repeat, it is advised to have a small break, yet, not more than a minute and then repeat an exercise again. Feeling tired and bored with one exercise- move on to the next one, which already uses other muscles. Training in such a regime shouldn’t last longer than an hour, because if and when it happens, a body begins to produce cortisol (so-called stress hormone), and this definitely decreases the efficiency of any physical activity;
- “exploding” exercises – is another kind of a training that only increases somatotropin level. For example: jumps from crouch stand, barbell snatch on a chest as well as bench press over head. Any exercise that is made in an “exploding” style influences on big muscle groups and consequently, body in general, thus increasing growth hormone;
Overall training + weight loss
If there is no desire to do fitness, power load, and walk on a fresh air separately, then one can have an overall/complex training that includes 3 in 1. There is only one rule here – power load should be before aerobic exercises. In simple words, after lifting bars, go to a race track (and not on the contrary).
One more major pro of sport is a “fight” with overweight. Not only sport exercises increase human growth hormone but also helps to get rid of fat depot all over the body. What can be better than that? Just don’t forget about regime and regularity of trainings. A good option is 3-4 times a week with duration of min 40 minutes and max 1 hour. Training should be active, with short breaks, and of course, productive.
Bottom lineFinally, keep in mind that hormones regulate people’s lives for a long time. And of course, one of the most important hormones is a growth hormone. It is multifunctional and therefore, so necessary and significant for every single person at any age. Yet, modern pace of life literally disables a person’s body to produce such a useful hormone. That’s why as a great solution to increase this same growth hormone- is by doing exercises. It will make cells divide and multiply, constantly renovating, and extending youth. You will feel and be active, strong, fit, attractive, and which is more important – healthy.